He explored this area as depicted in his drawing of the Bust of Man in Profile with Measurements and Notes.

The image of a man in this artwork is drawn facing towards the right with the left side of his head, and part of the chest is visible.

This picture is believed to be a work of the year 1490 when Leonardo was 38 years old, in which he used pen and ink on paper.

At a very early age, Leonardo Da Vinci was already training in painting, drawing, and sculpting amongst other disciplines.

An Italian Polymath, Leonardo left a significant legacy not just in the realm of art but also in the science field.

He lived his 67 years as a reserved man and in simplicity, expressing life’s theory in art. Leonardo believed that art is poetry while perceiving poetry as an art.

He remains an influential artist of all time through his work that stands out, among the greatest others. Leonardo explored a practical aspect of life, seeking to express his thoughts through work that was based on humanity, religion, leadership, individuals and also on nature. Without having to say it, his work delivered results.


Da Vinci created the sketch-like drawing in an anatomically realistic way, with accuracy at the center stage. We see lines segmenting different parts or areas that make up the face.

The parts are measured probably to estimate and calculate the length of space in between, say from the mouth region to the nose and from the nose to the eyes.

We could insinuate that the drawing was incomplete work or was meant to be a guide to a greater artwork, given the available measurements within the work.


Being a mathematician, scientist, and a re-known artist, Leonardo da Vinci may have had students in pursuance of a career in the field of art, in need of guidance from him, so the assumption is that another audience was to use the notes.

There is also a possibility that the notes were for use by medical professions when it came to the anatomical structure of man.

The painting might have been helpful in surgical procedures that involved facial features such as those touching on the ears, nose and throat and mouth.

The level of accuracy used is by no means intended for utilisation in a significant way.

Other Assumptions

We can also assume that the painting was a person of high standing in the society, and accuracy was of uttermost importance, hence the need for more details in the sketching.

This owes to the fact that Leonardo Da Vinci received many commissions during his time from subjects of high ranking, and he had to deliver at its best.

Could be he was using his hand to touch the face of the man whose portrait he intended to paint, estimating the measurements as he sketched on paper with pen and ink.

The picture of the Bust of a Man in Profile with Measurements and Notes by Leonardo Da Vinci is a piece of digital artwork uploaded on February 26th, 2017 and for informational and educational purposes.

The painting will, no doubt, continue to be a point of interest to many scholars and the general public, and just about anyone else with a soft spot for artworks.